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The vessel is Infinity, a 120ft hand-built sailing ketch that plies the Pacific Ocean on a never ending voyage of nomadic exploration. In early Feb 2014, during the iciest year on record in the Southern Ocean, Infinity and her crew of 16 left New Zealand on an 8,000 mile pacific crossing to Patagonia, with a stop in Antarctica. Along the way, they battled a hurricane of ice in the Ross Sea, struggled with compounding mechanical and flooding problems, undertook a mission with the radical environmental group Sea Shepherd, tore every sail they had, and unwittingly went further south than any sailing vessel in 2014. This expedition was undertaken with a non-ice-reinforced gypsy boat built by hand in the 1970's, crewed by a band of wandering miscreants, with no permits or insurance and an almost non-existent budget. This is a story about sailing, the camaraderie of a shared struggle and the raw awe inspiring power of the natural world.
Please join the mailing list to receive updates on the next adventures.

Runtimes : 46 minutes, 77 minutes and there is a 12 hour cut if you really want to escape (but would cost a lot to finish that one)
Aspect Ratio : 16:9
Shooting Format : RAW HD
Country : U.S.A.
Language : English, with a bit of French and Swedish (subtitled)
Filming Locations: Antarctica, Chile, Federated States of Micronesia, Large Swathes of the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
A very special thanks to the musicians who contributed so much great music
Soundtrack :
Spuntic (Movement) www.spuntic.bandcamp.com
Jahzzar (The Last Ones) www.betterwithmusic.com
Monster Rally (Was There) www.monsterrally.bandcamp.com
Eduardo Rivera (Sun Bias) (Yellow Lennon) (First Steps) (The Ditch) (Mr Flow) www.eduardojrivera.com
Dirt Wire (Amphibian Circuits) (Starlight) (Ibex ft. Kongar-ol Ondar) (Sailing the Solar Flares) www.dirtwire.net
Holy Coast (The Trench) (San Blas) www.freemusicarchive.org/music/Holy_Coast/
Jason Shaw (Sailors Lament) (Jenny's Theme) www.audionautix.com
Black Eagle Child (Beach Life) (Saturday) (The Magic Book) (Walking in River Park) www.blackeaglechild.com
Still Corners (The Trip) www.stillcorners.com
Catching Flies (Sunrays) www.catchingflies.bandcamp.com
Michael Paskalev (I Spy) (longer version of film) www.momandpopmusic.com/artist/mikhael-paskalev/
Chris Zabriskie (Readers do you Read) (Divider) www.chriszabriskie.com
Adcbicycle (All of the Time) www.adcbicycle.bandcamp.com
Judah & The Lion (Sweet Tennessee Instrumental) www.judahandthelion.com
John Jacques Militea (Banjo Breakdown Milteau)
It is Rain in My Face (and the names) www.itrains.bandcamp.com
Small Colin (Mutations) www.smallcolin.bandcamp.com/music
The Glitch Mob (Animus Vox) www.theglitchmob.com
Quite Music for Tiny Robots (Closing Ceremony) www.freemusicarchive.org/music/Quiet_Music_for_Tiny_Robots
Den Svenska Bjornstammen (Svalker Vinden) www.densvenskabjornstammen.se
Erin Dutton (The Pirate Song)
Technical Info