We aren't a big team (I (Nico) pretty much do most things myself), delicate salt water hating camera equipment breaks pretty easily on the ocean and it takes a lot of time and resources to get these productions out to the world (6 + years for the first film, 7 and counting for the 2nd).
Contrary to common sense, having video on a network pays nada for the first season, and we didn't get picked up for a 2nd season, and we only see 6 cents from every Amazon view... so we are not getting rich here, more like debt up to the eyeballs. So, if you have some extra coins laying at the bottom of your boat that aren't needed for beer, we could use all the help we can get. Everything donated pretty much goes to the things I can't do myself, like graphics, color correcting and music for the upcoming series Sea Gypsies: The NorthMost Passage , which I am making on my own and expect to cost about $80K to complete, already spent a solid $36K on music licensing...but perfection is worth every last ounce of blood.
And please buy some SCHWAG!
Much obliged,